Boltzmann Medal

In News

  • Recently, Deepak Dhar (Indian physicist) and John J. Hopfield (American physicist) have been chosen for the Boltzmann medal.

Boltzmann Medal

  • About:
    • Initiated in 1975
    • Nobel laureate (1982) K.G. Wilson was the first recipient. 
    • It has been given to one or two persons, once in three years
    • The award consists of the gilded Boltzmann medal with the inscription of Ludwig Boltzmann.
  • Awarded by:
    • the Commission on Statistical Physics (C3) of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics.
  • Deepak Dhar:
    • He became the first Indian to win this award.
    • For his seminal contributions in the field of statistical physics.

Ludwig Boltzmann

  • Austrian physicist and philosopher
  • Contributed in the development of statistical mechanics which explains and predicts how the properties of atoms (such as mass, charge, and structure) determine the visible properties of matter (such as viscosity, thermal conductivity, and diffusion).

Source: TH