No-Fly Zone

In News 

  • Recently ,the President  of Ukraine has urged US President Joe Biden and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) members to impose a “no-fly zone” over “significant parts” of the country to counter the threat from Russian military aircraft. 

What is a No-Fly Zone?

  • It is an area established by the military of a country or an alliance over which certain aircraft are not allowed to fly.
  • Such zones are sometimes imposed over government buildings or public places for security reasons, or over sacred sites for religious and cultural reasons.
  • During conflicts or wars, ‘no-fly’ zones are imposed to prevent enemies from attacking the country being protected in the zone.
    • A ‘no-fly zone’ is different from shutting an airspace that only prevents commercial planes from operating.
      • If a ‘no-fly zone’ comes into effect, that means the military of the country or alliance that imposed it will have to shoot down flights of the adversary (in this case Russia) if they invade the other country’s airspace.
  • The modern use of no-fly zones stems from the Persian Gulf war. 
    • After the United States and its allies repelled Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1991, the leader of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, used helicopter gunships to quash uprisings at home, killing tens of thousands.
  • Why is the West against a ‘No-Fly zone’ in Ukraine?
    • US President Joe Biden and NATO can implement a ‘no-fly zone’ over Ukraine but that would mean that they will have to shoot down Russian aircraft  which will be a direct, rapid escalation with Moscow which could inadvertently lead to the onset of World War III leading to catastrophic consequences.
