Operation Greens Scheme

In Context

  • Recently, the Minister of State for M/o Food Processing Industries has informed the Lok Sabha about the status of the Operation Greens Scheme.

Operation Greens Scheme

  • About:
    • Operation Greens scheme was launched by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) in November 2018.
  • Aim & Objectives:
    • To enhance value realization of TOP farmers; reduction in post-harvest losses; price stabilization for producer and consumers and increase in food processing capacities and value addition.
    • Price stabilisation for producers and consumers by proper production planning in the TOP clusters and introduction of dual-use varieties.
    • Reducing post-harvest losses by creation of farm gate infrastructure, development of suitable agro-logistics, creation of appropriate storage capacity linking consumption centres.
    • Increasing food processing capacities and value addition in the TOP value chain with firm linkages with production clusters.
    • Setting up a market intelligence network to collect and collate real-time data on demand and supply and price of TOP crops.
  • Components:
    • The scheme has two components i.e. Long Term Strategy i.e. Value Chain Development Projects and Short Term Strategy i.e. Price Stabilization Measures through grant of transportation/storage subsidy.
  • Performance:
    • Since its inception, six (6) value chain development projects have been sanctioned and initiated with a total project cost of Rs.363.30 crore; Grant-in-aid sanctioned of Rs.136.82 crore; Processing capacity 3.34 Lakh MT and PreservationCapacity of 46,380 MT.
  • From TOP to TOTAL:
    • The scope of short term measures originally applicable to Tomato, Onion and Potato crops were expanded to 41 notified fruits & vegetables w.e.f. June 2020 as a part of Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan Package.
    • In Budget Announcement 2021-22, the scope of long term strategy i.e. Value Chain Development Projects was expanded from TOP crops to 22 perishables which include 10 fruits, 11 vegetables (including TOP crops) and 1 marine product i.e. Shrimp.
  • Operation Greens – Convergence with Kisan Rail and KrishiUdan:
    • Kisan Rail: Kisan Rail ensures agro-products reach from one corner to another corner of the country in a quick time by faster transportation benefitting both the farmers and the consumers.
    • Krishi-Udan: KrishiUdaan Scheme stands converged with Operation Greens through air freight subsidy of 50 per cent for the agri-perishables of NER (North-Eastern Region) States and four Himalayan States/UTs.

Source: PIB

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