Indian Express

Indian Express


Pg No 


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 3


India tops $400 billion export record


What is the significance of India achieving $400 billion in merchandise exports in the fiscal?What areas have been the key drivers of India’s export growth?What has been the increase in imports?

GS 1


Rape is rape, even if man is husband: Karnataka HC

(Women related issues)

What is the controversy over Marital rape? Status of Marital Rape in India,Legal & Constitutional Rights,How recent ruling of Karnataka High Court could help shape the debate on marital rape and Way Forward

GS 2


Farm laws: Why SC panel report on ‘silent majority’ support does not add up

(Polity & Governance)

Know about the Supreme Court-appointed committee on the controversial farm laws ,What did the report say, and how did the panel arrive at its conclusions?

GS 2


Invoke Article 355 in west bengal ,demands Adhir 


What is Article 355 of the Constitution?

GS 3


Changing face money 


What Sovereign Green Bonds are and How They Work?How will RBI’s Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)impact bank deposits, payments and private cryptocurrencies?Is CBDC going to place currency at some point in the future ?

GS 2


Covid lessons for TB


Are Covid-19 and tuberculosis (TB) similar? What are the  factors strongly associated with TB and  Covid-19? How has the increased burden on healthcare to manage Covid has led to a serious setback in TB control?The significance of aggressively scaling up testing with innovative strategies such as active surveillance, bidirectional screening for respiratory tract infections using the most sensitive molecular diagnostics, and contact tracing and what lies ahead ?

GS 2


A quota too many 


Know about the Special Dispensation Scheme for admissions in the Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs),its features ,objectives ,issues /challenges and what lies ahead ?

GS 2


No COVID curbs from march 31 but face mask to stay :centre 

(Polity & Governance)

Key provisions of Disaster Management Act, (DM Act) 2005,its significance ,issues and way ahead .

GS 2


The Ahir Regiment demand


(Polity & Governance)

What is the genesis of the demand for an Ahir Regiment?What is the genesis of the demand for an Ahir Regiment?

GS 2


Why Mariupol matters to Russia in the Ukraine war

(International Relations)

Why is Mariupol significant to Moscow? 


GS 3


‘PLI to account for 13-15% capex in key sectors in 3-4 years’


(Indian Economy)

Know about Production Linked Incentive (PLI) schemes and which sectors are under it?

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