
In News

  • Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare (DA&FW) has provisionally notified Nano Urea as Nano Nitrogen Fertilisers in Fertilizer Control Order, 1985.


  • Meaning: Nano-formulations or nano-sized fertilisers are made from ammonium humate, ammonia, urea, peat, plant wastes, and other synthetic fertilisers.
    • An example of nano-formulation is nano-sized nitrogen (N) fertiliser which is prepared as a result of deposition of urea on calcium cyanamide.
  • Formulation: Nano-fertilisers are developed using both mechanical and biochemical processes, i.e., materials are grounded to obtain nano-sized particles through mechanical means and biochemical techniques are employed to obtain effective nanoscale formulations.
  • Difference: Nano-fertilisers are released very slowly in comparison to conventional fertilisers.
    • Nano-fertilisers are specifically designed to release active ingredients in response to biological demands and environmental stress.
  • Recently, the Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) introduced the world’s first Nano Urea Liquid for farmers across the world.

Benefits/ Significance of Nano-Fertilisers

  • Application of Nano Urea results in better crop productivity.
  • This is regarded as an excellent alternative to chemical fertilisers because it promotes growth and reduces environmental pollution.
  • Nano-fertilisers also reduce the crop cycle period and increase crop yield.
  • The unique properties of nanoparticles, such as high absorption capacity, the increased surface to volume ratio, and controlled-release kinetics to targeted sites, make them a potential plant growth enhancer.

Limitations of Nano-Fertilisers

  • Lack of a nano-fertiliser risk management system
  • Lack of production and availability of nano fertilisers in required quantities. This limits the wider scale adoption of nano-fertilisers as a source of plant nutrients.
  • The high cost of nano fertilisers
  • Lack of standardisation in the formulation process. This brings about different results of the same nanomaterial under various pedoclimatic conditions.

Steps taken by the Government

  • Department has also issued guidelines for development of entrepreneurs for drone spraying of liquid fertilisers.
  • Use of Nano Urea is promoted through different activities such as awareness camps, webinars, nukkad nataks, field demonstrations, kisan sammelans and films in regional languages etc.

Source: PIB

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