All-India Household Consumer Expenditure Survey

In Context 

  • All-India Household Consumer Expenditure Survey is set to resume this year after a prolonged break.

About All-India Household Consumer Expenditure Survey

  • It is usually conducted by the National Statistical Office (NSO) every five years.
  • It was used to arrive at estimates of poverty levels in different parts of the country .
  • It is used to review economic indicators like the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), since 2011–12. 
  • The Survey is conducted between July and June .
    • This year’s exercise is expected to be completed by June 2023.
      • Estimates of household Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure (MPCE) and the distribution of households and persons over different MPCE classes  may only become available about a year after the field work is completed.
      • The results will include separate data sets for rural and urban parts, and also splice spending patterns for each State and Union Territory, as well as different socio–economic groups.
  • Image Courtesy: Pressreader


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