India’s First 5G Testbed

In News 

  • Recently, the Prime Minister of India inaugurated the country’s first 5G testbed that will enable start-ups and industry players to test their products locally, thereby reducing dependence on facilities abroad.


  • The 5G testbed had been set up at a cost of about ?220 crore.
  • It is  an important step towards self-reliance in the direction of critical and modern technologies in the telecom sector.
  • The testbed will enable a supportive ecosystem for Indian industry and startups which will help them validate their products, prototypes, solutions and algorithms in 5G and next generation technologies.

What is 5G Technology?

  • It is the latest upgrade in the Long-Term Evolution (LTE) mobile broadband networks with reduced latency than 4G.
    • 5G technologies offer an extremely low latency rate, the delay between the sending and receiving information.
    • From 200 milliseconds for 4G, 5G brings it down to 1 millisecond (1ms).
  • It works in three bands of spectrum with their respective pros and cons.
    • Low Band Spectrum:
      • It shows great promise in terms of coverage and speed of internet and data exchange with a maximum speed limited to 100 Mbps (Megabits per second).
      • Telcos can use and install it for commercial cellphone users who may not have specific demands for very high speed internet.
      • It may not be optimal for specialised needs of the industry.
    • Mid-Band Spectrum:
      • It offers higher speeds compared to the low band, but has limitations in terms of coverage area and penetration of signals.
      • It may be used by industries and specialised factory units for building captive networks that can be moulded into the needs of that particular industry.
    • High-Band Spectrum:
      • It offers the highest speed of all the three bands, but has extremely limited coverage and signal penetration strength.
      • Internet speeds have been tested to be as high as 20 Gbps (gigabits per second).


  • 5G technology would bring positive changes in the governance of the country, ease of living and ease of doing business.
  •  This would boost growth in every sector like agriculture, health, education, infrastructure and logistics. 
  • This will also increase convenience and create many employment opportunities.
  • It will enable the development, testing and proliferation of 5G technology system components, cross-sectoral use cases, besides setting up the foundation for the development of the “6G Technology landscape” in the country.
  • The users will be able to stream videos with multiple camera angles during sports matches or even play immersive video games using VR headsets or other accessories.
  • It will also enable a mesh of connected Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled devices and services with zero-fail rate, as in the case of connected cars.
  •  Other Benefits: 

o Healthcare: Healthcare providers can create sensor networks to track patients and share information faster than ever before.

o Public Safety: A vast network and rapid response times mean that public works can respond to incidents and emergencies in seconds rather than minutes, and municipalities can react fast and with reduced costs.

o Autonomous Vehicles: 5G will allow vehicles to communicate between them and with infrastructure on the road, improving safety and alerting drivers to travel conditions and performance information.


  • Lack of a clear road map of spectrum allocation and 5G frequency bands.
  • Lack of flow of cash and adequate capital with the Telcos.

Global Status of 5G

  • More than governments, global telecom companies have started building 5G networks and rolling it out to their customers on a trial basis.
  • Telcos in developed countries like the US and China have already been providing commercial 5G connections to their users.
  • South Korean company Samsung started researching 5G technology in 2011 and has taken the lead in building the hardware for 5G networks for several companies.

Suggestions/ Way Forward

  • 5G will require a fundamental change to the core architecture of the communication system and India should be ready with a robust, scalable, and intelligent infrastructure that is capable of handling massive traffic growth.
  • This year’s budget was focused on making use of technology to help the government and the country to achieve the goal of ‘Atma Nirbhar Bharat’.
    • It will also make India a self-reliant country.
  • India is familiar with the principles of science, but we need to learn to make maximum use of it for ‘Ease of Living’.
  • Stressing the centrality of communication centres and fintech, India should look for indigenous ecosystem with less foreign dependence for the both.
  • Private sector should take maximum advantage of the change of rules for the use of geo-spatial data and the infinite opportunities that have emerged due to the reform.
  • A portal has also been proposed for skilling, re-skilling and up-skilling of youth in the budget.
    • With this, youth will get the right jobs and opportunities through API based trusted skill credentials, payment and discovery layers.
  • There are 2 lakh crore rupees worth PLI schemes in 14 key sectors, in order to promote manufacturing in the country.
