Mission “Samudrayan”

In News

  • Recently, India’s First Manned Ocean MissionSamudrayan” was launched in Chennai by Union Minister Jitendra Singh. 


  • With the launch of this Unique Ocean Mission, India joins the elite club of nations such as the USA, Russia, Japan, France and China to have such underwater vehicles for carrying out subsea activities. 
  • A new chapter opens to explore ocean resources for drinking water, clean energy & blue economy.
  • Matsya 6000 
    • The Matsya 6000 is the deepwater manned submersible under the Samudrayan initiative.
      • It is capable of carrying three human beings in a titanium alloy personnel sphere of a 2.1-metre diameter enclosed space with an endurance of 12 hours and an additional 96 hours in case of an emergency situation.
      • The preliminary design of the manned submersible MATSYA 6000 is completed and realization of the vehicle is started with various organizations including ISRO, IITM and DRDO roped-in to support the development.
      • The MATSYA 6000, will be ready for trials by the second quarter of 2024. 
  • Significance: 
    • The mission increases the scientific capacity and this niche technology shall facilitate the Ministry of Earth Sciences, MoES in carrying out deep ocean exploration of the non-living resources such as polymetallic manganese nodules, gas hydrates, hydro-thermal sulphides and cobalt crusts, located at a depth between 1000 and 5500 meters.
    • The advancing technologies in metallurgy, energy storage, underwater navigation and manufacturing facilities provide opportunities for developing more efficient, reliable and safe manned submersibles. 

Manned Submersible

  • The manned submersible is designed to carry three persons in a 2.1-meter diameter Titanium Alloy Personnel Sphere with an operational endurance of 12h and systems to support emergency endurance up to 96h
  • Some of the critical subsystems of the manned submersibles are the development of Ti Alloy Personnel Sphere, Human support and safety system in enclosed space, low-density buoyancy modules, Ballast and Trim System. 
  • Pressure compensated batteries and propulsion systems, control and communication systems and Launching and Recovery Systems. 

Source: PIB