India and Austria’s agreement

In News

  • India and Austria will sign a migration and mobility agreement.

Major Highlights

  • India will sign a “Comprehensive Migration and Mobility Partnership Agreement” (MMPA) with Austria.
    • It has similar mobility agreements with France, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Finland.
  • Relevance:  India has been keen to finalise these agreements with European countries as a stepping stone to resolving issues over the long-pending India-European Union (EU) Free Trade Agreement and facilitating Indian professionals working in these countries, the European countries also see them as a way to curb illegal immigration from India.
    • This is a much-needed agreement, especially in view of the sharp increase in illegal migration Austria was confronted with last year, including over 15,000 illegal migrants from India with practically no chance of asylum.
    • The agreement is now a useful tool to combat illegal migration together, as it enables the swift return of illegal migrants.
    • It will regulate multiple entry visas for professionals and student exchange programmes, and will be reviewed regularly by a Joint Working Group (JWG).

Diplomatic relations between India and Austria

  • They were established in 1949. Traditionally India-Austria relations have been warm and friendly. 
  • There has been a regular exchange of high-level visits between the two countries
  • Austria, a member of the European Union since 1995 is an important link for India in its relationship with Europe, especially with countries of central and Eastern Europe.
  • India?s main exports to Austria are Footwear, Textiles, Articles Of Leather, Articles Of Apparel And Clothing Accessories, Vehicles, Rolling Stock (And Parts And Accessories Thereof), Machinery And Mechanical Appliances (And Parts Thereof), Electrical Machinery And Equipment, Organic Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Products.

Source: TH