Survey of OBCs in Odisha

In News

  • The Odisha government began the survey of people from the Other Backward Classes (OBCs).

More about News

  • The survey of the social and educational conditions of backwardness would be carried out for OBCs
  • The heads of the family are giving details about personal information about him and other members of the family.
  • Personal information such as institution last attended, occupation, educational status and date of birth are being asked.
  • People (heads or senior members of the family) have been asked to come to common service centres, PDS centres and Anganwadi centres with their ration cards and Aadhaar cards to fill up an exhaustive questionnaire.

Survey of OBC is different from Caste census

  • Caste census means inclusion of caste-wise tabulation of India’s population in the Census exercise but Survey is to get social and educational status of OBCs.
  • The primary purpose of a caste census is to ascertain the income and asset ownership of various caste groups but Survey does not concern Caste groups.

Socio Economic and Caste Census 2011 (SECC)

  • The Ministry of Rural Development conducted a caste census in 2010-11 along with the socio- economic census.
  • SECC-2011 was not done under the 1948 Census of India Act and the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India was not entrusted to do the same.

For further reading on Caste census, kindly follow this link 

Source: TH