SCO’s Council of Heads of Government (CHG) Meeting

In News

  • The 21st Meeting of SCO Council of Heads of Government (CHG) was recently held in Nur-Sultan in virtual format under the chairmanship of Kazakhstan.

More about the news

  • About:
    • The SCO Heads of Government meet is held annually to focus on the trade and economic agenda of the organisation and approves the SCO’s annual budget. 
    • The SCO-CHG meeting was attended by SCO Member States, Observer States, the Secretary General of the SCO, the Executive Director of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure, Turkmenistan and other invited guests.
  • India’s stand:
    • India’s External Affairs Minister represented India in the meeting.
    • In his address, the minister underlined India’s strong cultural and historical connect with the SCO region. 
    • He reiterated India’s firm commitment towards deepening multilateral cooperation in the areas of 
      • Food and energy security, 
      • Climate change, 
      • Trade and culture. 
    • He spoke about the launch of the global Mission ‘LIFE’ (Lifestyle for Environment) and its relevance to ensuring food and energy security.
  • India on Belt and Road Initiative (BRI):
    • The Indian minister reiterated that the Connectivity projects should respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Member States and respect international law. 
      • This was said in a reference to China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
  • Trade with SCO:
    • As stated by the Indian Minister, India’s total trade with SCO Members is only $141 billion, which has the potential to increase manifold. 
    • Fair market access, according to him, is to our mutual benefit and only way to move forward.
      • The bulk of India’s trade with SCO countries is with China, which crossed $100 billion this year, 
      • Trade with Russia is less than $20 billion. 
      • Trade with Central Asian countries is less than $2 billion, and 
      • With Pakistan it is about $500 million.
  • India as Chairperson of the SCO:
    • India has taken over as Chairperson of the SCO, and will host leaders of all SCO countries, including China and Pakistan, at a summit in Delhi expected in mid-2023.

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO):

  • About:
    • It is a permanent intergovernmental international organisation of Eurasian Nations with a secretariat in Beijing.
      • Over the years, it has emerged as one of the largest trans-regional international organisations. 
  • Aim:
    • It is a political, economic and military organisation that aims at maintaining peace, security and stability in the region.
  • Origin: Journey from Shanghai Five to SCO 
    • Shanghai Five emerged in 1996 from a series of border demarcation and demilitarization talks between 4 former USSR republics and China.
    • Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan were members of the Shanghai Five.
    • With the accession of Uzbekistan to the group in 2001, the Shanghai Five was renamed the SCO.
    • The SCO Charter was signed in 2002 and entered into force in 2003.
  • Inclusion of India & Pakistan:
    • India and Pakistan both were initially observer states.
    • Both were given full membership in 2017.
  • Iran and Belarus:
    • 2021 SCO summit in Dushanbe agreed for Iran to join in SCO. 
    • Belarus has also begun the membership process for SCO.

Member states

Observer States

Dialogue Partners



















Sri Lanka

Significance of SCO for India

  • India’s upcoming Presidency:
    • India will take over the SCO Presidency in 2023.
    • India will also host the upcoming SCO Summit in 2023, which will be held in Samarkand, Uzbekistan
  • Security:
    • RATS can help India to improve its counterterrorism abilities by working toward intelligence sharing, law enforcement and developing best practices and technologies.
    • Through the SCO, India can also work on anti-drug trafficking and small arms proliferation.
  • Regional Integration:
    • SCO can help in achieving regional integration and promote connectivity and stability across borders.
    • Further, it also helps India to have a multilateral talk with friends like Russia and adversaries like China and Pakistan.
  • Geopolitical Advantage:
    • Central Asia is a part of India’s Extended Neighbourhood.
    • And SCO provides India with an opportunity to pursue the “Connect Central Asian Policy”.
    • It will also help India to check on the ever-growing influence of China in Eurasia.

China’s Belt and Road initiative:

  • China began the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013 under its President Xi Jinping. 
  • It aims to revive the ancient trade routes crossing to and from China–from Rome in Europe to East Asia.
  • Criticisms:
    • China was criticised in the West and by some other countries for providing unsustainable debts to countries that will be unable to repay them. 
    • 2019 World Bank report:
      • According to the report, among the 43 corridor economies for which detailed data was available, 12 could face a situation where debts were not sustainable, which could lead to public assets being handed over to foreign contractors or China itself.
    • India’s stand:
      • India opposed the BRI as it included the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, which connected Kashgar in China with the Gwadar port in Pakistan via Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.

Source: TH