Species In News: Himalayan Serow

In News: The Himalayan serow has been spotted for the first time in Assam.

About the species

  • It has been described as resembling a cross between a goat, a donkey, a cow, and a pig.
  • It’s a medium-sized mammal with a large head, thick neck, short limbs, long, mule-like ears, and a coat of dark hair.
  • There are several species of serows, and all of them are found in Asia.
  • They are herbivores.
  • Habitat: Typically found at altitudes between 2,000 metres and 4,000 metres (6,500 to 13,000 feet).
    • The Himalayan serow, or Capricornis sumatraensis thar, is restricted to the Himalayan region.
      • They are known to be found in the eastern, central, and western Himalayas, but not in the Trans Himalayan region.
  • Taxonomically, it is a subspecies of the mainland serow (Capricornis sumatraensis).
  • Conservation Status:
    • IUCN Red List: Vulnerable
    • CITES Appendix I
    • The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972: Schedule I
  • Threats:
    • Loss of habitat
    • The decline in population size
    • The decline in natural range size

Source :TH

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