Medicinal Fungi

In Context

  • Recently, an analytical study of medicinal fungi carried out by researchers from the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai (IMSc), shows that some chemicals they secrete may find use as novel drugs.


  • They used a database, MeFSAT (Medicinal Fungi Secondary Metabolites And Therapeutics), which compiles information on 184 medicinal fungi, including mushrooms.                                    
  • Medicinal fungi belong to two taxonomic divisions namely, basidiomycota and ascomycota. 
    • Mushrooms belong to the basidiomycota division. 
    • An example is Agaricus bisporus, the button mushroom, which can be consumed. 
  • Fungi belonging to the ascomycota division are generally not mushrooms. 
    • Among these are Isaria cicadae and Shiraia bambusicola which are used in traditional Chinese medicine.     



  • Secondary metabolites are chemical compounds that fungi produce when they are stressed. 
  • These are not strictly essential and hence the name ‘secondary’. 
  • They enhance the fungus’ ability to survive. 
  • The work has been published in the preprint server BioRXiv. 
  • Cordycepin, a secondary metabolite produced by Cordyceps species of fungus, is known to have anti-tumour properties.
