Mukhyamantri Krishak Uparjan Sahayta Yojna

In News 

  • Recently, the Madhya Pradesh government gave its approval to Mukhyamantri Krishak Uparjan Sahayta Yojna.


  • It is aimed at providing budgetary allocation to enable government agencies such as Food and Civil Supplies Corporation and Markfed to tide over operational losses incurred during the procurement of grains from farmers.
  • This scheme had been brought to ensure agencies such as MP Markfed out of the vicious cycle of paying heavy interest on loans taken to ensure procurement and timely payment to farmers.
  • The move was undertaken to ensure farmers get a fair market price.
  • However, the cost of increased procurement was borne by the state government through loans.
    •  The dues are paid back to the state government only once the stock is lifted from the godown.

Source: IE

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