
In News

  • Scientists have identified the first ”quantum entangled” animal in history in a recent study.


  • Tardigrade
    • They are microscopic multicellular organisms known to tolerate extreme physiochemical conditions through a latent state of life known as cryptobiosis.
    • Their proportions are a little bit similar to a bear’s.
  • Quantum and biological systems: 
    • These systems are seldom discussed together as they seemingly demand opposing conditions. Life is complex, “hot and wet” whereas quantum objects are small, cold and well controlled.
  • Significance: 
    • The coupling between the animal in cryptobiosis and a superconducting quantum bit prepared a highly entangled state between this combined system and another qubit.
    • The tardigrade itself is shown to be entangled with the remaining subsystems.
    • The tardigrade is mostly (frozen) water, and here it acts like a dielectric, shifting the resonance frequency of the one qubit that it sat on.
    • The researchers have claimed that the investigation is perhaps the closest realization combining biological matter and quantum matter available with present-day technology.

Source: IE

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