Lumpy Skin Disease

In  Context 

Over the last few weeks, nearly 3,000 cattle have died in Rajasthan and Gujarat due to a viral infection called the Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD). 

Lumpy Skin Disease

  • About:
    • It is caused by a virus called the Capripoxvirus and is “an emerging threat to livestock worldwide”
    • It is genetically related to the goatpox and sheeppox virus family.
    • It infects cattle and water buffalo mainly through vectors such as blood-feeding insects. 
  • Symptoms:
    • the appearance of circular, firm nodes on the animal’s hide or skin that look similar to lumps.
    • excessive nasal and salivary secretion.
  • Spread: 
    • The disease is not zoonotic, meaning it does not spread from animals to humans, and humans cannot get infected with it.
    • Historically, LSD has remained confined to Africa, where it was first discovered in 1929, and parts of West Asia.
      • It was first reported in Asia and the Pacific region in 2019 in north west China, Bangladesh and India. 
  • Treatment: 
    • No treatment is available for the disease so prevention by vaccination is the most effective means of control.
    • Successful control and eradication of LSD relies on “early detection followed by a rapid and widespread vaccination campaign”
    • Once an animal has recovered, it is well protected and cannot be the source of infection for other animals.
