Ramon Magsaysay

In News 

  • Former Kerala health minister K K Shailaja has declined her nomination for the 2022 Ramon Magsaysay Award.

About Ramon Magsaysay Award 

  • It is Asia’s premier prize and highest honour which recognizes greatness of spirit shown in selfless service to the peoples of Asia.
  • It is presented in formal ceremonies in Manila, Philippines on August 31st, the birth anniversary of the much-esteemed Philippine President whose ideas inspired the Award’s creation in 1957.
    • Ramon Magsaysay was the third president of the Philippines after World War II. 
  • The Ramon Magsaysay Awardees, annually selected by the Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation (RMAF) board of trustees, are presented with a certificate and a medallion with an embossed image of Ramon Magsaysay facing right in profile.
  • The Award recognises and honours individuals and organisations in Asia, regardless of race, creed, gender, or nationality, who have achieved distinction and have helped others generously without aiming for public recognition.
  • Indian winners on the list
    • Prominent Indians who have won the award include Vinoba Bhave in 1958, Mother Teresa in 1962, Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay in 1966, Satyajit Ray in 1967, Mahasweta Devi in 1997. 
    •  In recent years, Arvind Kejriwal (2006), Anshu Gupta of Goonj (2015), human rights activist Bezwada Wilson (2016), and journalist Ravish Kumar (2019) have won the award.

Source: IE

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