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The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has paid tributes to Sant Ravidas on his Jayanti.
- The day commemorates the birth of the famous Bhakti Movement saint.
- This year marks the 646th anniversary
About Sant Ravidas
- He was a mystic poet-saint of the Bhakti Movement from the 15th and 16th centuries.
- He was a great poet, social reformer, and spiritual figure.
- He is also known as Raidas, Rohidas, and Ruhidas
- Contributions
- His devotional songs and verses left an indelible mark on the Bhakti Movement.
- He was a disciple of Sant Kabir and the founder of the Ravidassia religion. Mirabai was his pupil.
- The Sikh scripture, Guru Granth Sahib, contains forty-one of his devotional songs and poems.
- The philosophy and values of Guru Ravidasji like social justice, equality, and fraternity have been imbued in our constitutional values.
- The Chief Architect of our Constitution, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar embodied the Constitutional principles around the values expressed by Guru Ravidasji.
Who are the Ravidassias?
Source: ET
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