In News
- Recently, the Government of India is exploring the possibility of inviting manufacturers of Electric Vertical Take off and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft to set up bases in India.
- E-VTOL is one of the newer technologies and developments in the aerospace industry.
- Several eVTOL players are keen on setting up production centres in India.
- Earlier, the Union Minister claimed that India is in conversation with a number of eVTOL producers, the implication being a futuristic vision for India.
Image Courtesy: TH
Electric Vertical Take off and Landing (eVTOL) Aircraft
- Technology used:
- As the acronym suggests, it uses electric power to hover, take off, and land vertically.
- Most eVTOLs also use distributed electric propulsion technology which means integrating a complex propulsion system with the airframe.
- This is technology that has grown on account of successes in electric propulsion based on progress in motor, battery, fuel cell and electronic controller technologies and also fuelled by the need for new vehicle technology that ensures urban air mobility (UAM).
- There are an estimated 250 eVTOL concepts or more being fine-tuned to bring alive the concept of UAM. Some of these include the use of:
- multi-rotors, fixed-wing and tilt-wing concepts backed by sensors, cameras and even radar.
- Bringing aerial revolution: E-VTOLs have been likened to a third wave in an aerial revolution.
- The first being the advent of commercial flying, and
- The second, the age of helicopters.
- Roles: The roles eVTOLs adopt depends on battery technology and the limits of onboard electric power.
- Power is required during the key phases of flight such as take off, landing and flight (especially in high wind conditions).
- There is also the important factor of weight.
- Batteries: A variety of Lithium batteries, Nano Diamond Batteries are being looked at.
- There are some industry experts who are questioning the use of only batteries and are looking at hybrid technologies such as hydrogen cells and batteries depending on the flight mission.
- There is even one that uses a gas-powered generator that powers a small aircraft engine, in turn charging the battery system.
Nano Diamond Batteries is looking at Diamond Nuclear Voltaic (DNV) technology using minute amounts of carbon-14 nuclear waste encased in layered industrial diamonds to create self-charging batteries. |
- It opens up new possibilities which aircraft with engines cannot carry out in areas such as manoeuvrability, efficiency and even from the environmental point of view.
- These use cameras, radar, GPS (global positioning system) and infrared scanners which makes it multi tasking and efficient.
- It is pitched as a cost-comparable replacement for short-range urban transportation based on a fan-run tilt-wing design. Prototypes made test flights.
- Although these advanced eVTOL vehicles under development still need access to fuel (hybrid) and/or electric charging capability, they can take off and land from almost anywhere.
- E-VTOLs are noise free, have a zero carbon footprint and are more affordable.
- The technology’s usage will require very stringent checks and certification requirements.
- As the technology so far is a mix of unpiloted and piloted aircraft, the areas in focus include crash prevention systems.
- Ensuring safety in case of powerplant or rotor failure.
- Aircraft protection from cyberattacks is another area of focus.
- Navigation and flight safety and the use of technology when operating in difficult terrain, unsafe operating environments and also bad weather.
- There are psychological barriers that need to be overcome when it comes to flying in a fully autonomous aircraft.
- With the increasing popularity of small, unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAVs) or drones, many companies today are focusing on the development of passenger UAVs designed to accommodate up to five passengers or equivalent cargo payload.
- Many such configurations are electric or hybrid-electric designs with VTOL capabilities.
- Several of these projects have started a flight test program and many more are expected to be in the experimental and development phase soon.
- Such revolutionary vehicles could be in commercial operations by 2030.
- These eVTOL systems could be ready for selected Public Services missions even sooner.
- Although these advanced eVTOL vehicles under development still need access to fuel (hybrid) and/or electric charging capability, they can take off and land from almost anywhere. Therefore, such vehicles, both manned and unmanned can be successfully integrated for the critical missions of the Public Services with extra deployment flexibilities.
- E-VTOL vehicles could be deployed for Public Services sooner than air taxi or other commercial applications, since Public Services missions may be more easily approved based on specific mission criteria, localised airworthiness authority for public use aircraft3 , and are normally operating under centralised airspace management and control by the theatre command.
Way Ahead
- Regulatory authorities in India should look at:
- Formulating regulations for pilotless vehicles, airworthiness certifications, and the need for a pilot’s licence;
- Implementing efficient energy management systems, onboard sensors, collision detection systems and advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence;
- Having in place infrastructural support such as take-off and landing zones, parking lots, charging stations and what are called vertiports;
- Creating a robust air traffic management system that is integrated with other modes of transportation, and putting in place a database to ensure operational and mechanical safety.
- There are psychological barriers that need to be overcome when it comes to flying in a fully autonomous aircraft. Therefore, there needs to be a document that outlines compliance for eVTOLs.
- Also aligns frameworks to meet the standards adopted in commercial aviation, especially when it comes to safety.
Source: TH
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