Technical Textiles

In News

  • Recently, the Textile minister said the government will support production-linked incentives (PLIs) for the textile sector in states supporting the development and offering affordable infrastructure for textile manufacturing like cheap land and power.


  • A technical textile is a textile product manufactured for non-aesthetic purposes, where function is the primary criterion. 
  • Technical textiles include textiles for automotive applications, medical textiles, geotextiles, agrotextiles, and protective clothing.


Image Courtesy : ET 


Textile Sector in India

  • Target: 
    • The annual growth rate of the technical textiles sector in the country should be in the 15%-20% range in the next five years, from the current 8%.
    • It is time to target a five times’ increase in export of technical textiles in three years.
  • Global and India:
    • The world market for technical textiles is $250 billion and India’s share is $19 billion.
  • India being a Net Exporter:
    • The biggest players are the U.S., West European countries, China and Japan.
    • HSN Codes for textiles:
      • In January 2019, the government issued 207 HSN Codes for technical textiles and in less than two years, India had become a net exporter of technical textiles.
    • National Technical Textiles Mission:
      • It was unveiled in February 2020
    • Technical textiles:
      • In FY21, India’s major share of technical textile exports was in PPEs, N-95 and surgical masks, and fabric for PPEs and masks. 
      • As many as 92 technical textile items have been made mandatory for use by government organisations covering agriculture, horticulture, highways, railways, water resources, and medical applications.
  • India’s forte:
    • India has a major presence in packaging textiles, geotechnical textiles, and agricultural textiles.


Image Courtesy: ET 


  • It will provide an immense boost to domestic manufacturing.
  • Prepare the industry for making a big impact in global markets in sync with the spirit of Atma Nirbhar Bharat. 
  • It will also help attract more investment into this sector.
  • It also will help in  generating more jobs. 

Significance of Textile Sector in India

  • India is the 2nd largest manufacturer and exporter in the world, after China.
  • The Textile Sector contributed 2.3% to the GDP of India.
  • It contributed 12% to India’s export earnings in FY20.
  • It contributed 13% of the industry production in FY20.
  • India is the 6th largest producer of Technical Textiles with 6% Global Share (12% CAGR), largest producer of cotton & jute in the world.  
  • The Textile industry has around 4.5 crore employed workers including 35.22 lakh handloom workers across the country which is 21 % of total  employment.
  • The domestic textiles and apparel market stood at an estimated US$ 100 billion in FY19.
  • India has a share of 5% of the global trade in textiles and apparel.
  • The industry (including dyed and printed) attracted Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) worth US$ 3.45 billion from April 2000 to June 2020.
  • Cotton production supports 5.8 Million farmers & 40-50 Million people in  allied sectors. 
  • India is also the second largest producer of silk in the world and 95% of the  world’s hand woven fabric comes from India.

Issues in Textile Sector

  • Shortage in supply of raw material: Shutting down some units in China and Europe due to pollution issues has resulted in an unprecedented rise in prices of basic raw materials in international markets. 
  • Increase in cost of raw material: Prices are increasing after many units in China were shut down due to pollution norms. 
  • Inflexible labour laws: India’s system of labour regulations is rather complex. There are over 200 labour laws, including a quarter of Central Acts. Several labour laws such as the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 put limitations on firm size and not allow manufacturing firms to grow.
  • Pressure to meet stringent social and environmental norms: Failing to comply with environmental regulations can put supply chain in jeopardy, as pressure mounts for the apparel industry to improve environmental compliance efforts.
  • Infrastructure bottlenecks: poor quality of infrastructure in India has been a major hurdle. This results in Lack of efficiency due to manual work being practiced.
  • Highly fragmented: The Indian textile industry is highly fragmented and is being dominated by the unorganized sector and small and medium industries.
  • Uneven regional development: The country’s textile industry is concentrated in a few pockets of Gujarat and Maharashtra in the west and Tamil Nadu and Karnataka in the south. A large proportion of workers employed by these units comes from Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal. 

Government Initiatives

  • Government has allowed 100% FDI in the sector under the automatic route.
  • A National Technical Textiles Mission is launched  to promote research and development in the textile sector for a period from 2020-21 to 2023-24.
  • The New Textiles Policy 2020 for overall development of the sector was released by the Ministry of Textiles.
  • Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) approved mandatory packaging of food grains and sugar in jute material for the Jute Year 2019-20.
  • Amended Technology Up-gradation Fund Scheme (A-TUFS), estimated to create employment for 35 lakh people and enable investment worth Rs. 95,000 crore by 2022.
  • Integrated Wool Development Programme (IWDP) to provide support to the wool sector, starting from wool rearer to end consumer, with an aim to enhance quality and increase production during 2017-18 and 2019-20.
  • The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA), approved a new skill development scheme named ‘Scheme for Capacity Building in Textile Sector (SCBTS)’.
  • The following government policies are favourable which provide attractive incentives to the manufacturers:
    • Scheme for Integrated Textile Parks (SITP)
    • Integrated Skill Development Scheme (ISDS)
    • Technology Mission on Technical Textiles (TMTT)
    • Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)
    • Integrated Processing Development Scheme (IPDS)
    • Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS)
    • Market Development Assistance (MDA) Market Access Initiative (MAI) 

National Technical Textiles Mission

  • Focus: Developing the usage of technical textiles in various flagship missions, programmes of the country including strategic sectors. 
  • Period: 4 years (2020-21 to 2023-24) 
  • Outlay: Rs. 1480 crores. 
  • Distribution of Funds:
    • For Research Innovation & Development – Rs. 1000 crores;
    • For Promotion and Market Development- Rs.50 crore;
    • For Education, Training and Skilling-  Rs. 400 crore; and 
    • For Export Promotion – Rs.10 crores and balance Rs.20 crores for administrative expenses.
  • Promotion of innovation amongst young engineering /technology/ science standards and graduates is proposed to be taken up by the Mission; alongwith creation of innovation and incubation centres and promotion of ‘start-up’ and Ventures’. 
    • Focus on development of biodegradable technical textiles materials, particularly for agro-textiles, geo-textiles and medical textiles. 
    • Development of indigenous machineries and process equipment for technical textiles, in order to promote ‘Make In India’ and enable competitiveness of the industry by way of reduced capital costs.
  • Six courses for skill development in the Technical Textiles sector have been on-boarded on National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) for providing training in the sector.

Source: TH

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