In News
- Recently, the Asian Waterbird Census (AWC) found lower waterbird species diversity at East Delhi’s Sanjay Lake when compared to the count from the past three years.
- It is under way in parts of Delhi-NCR.
- Data from the census is expected to help with identifying and protecting areas that are important for waterbirds.
Sanjay Lake
About the Asian Waterbird Census (AWC):
- The AWC is conducted in January each year and is coordinated by the Wetlands International South Asia and the Bombay Natural History Society in india .
- It is an integral part of the global waterbird monitoring programme, the International Waterbird Census (IWC), coordinated by Wetlands International.
- It runs in parallel with other regional programmes of the International Waterbird Census in Africa, Europe, West Asia, the Neotropics and the Caribbean.
- It was initiated in 1987 in the Indian subcontinent and since has grown rapidly to cover major region of Asia.
- Features
- It is the longest-running citizen science initiative .
- Under this initiative, systematic counting and monitoring of waterbirds is undertaken to study trends and condition of wetlands, covering hundreds of sites.
- The census witnesses the participation of thousands of volunteers according to the international protocol and methodology to record the status of important wetlands and waterbirds’ diversity with population estimates.
- This citizen-science programme supports global conservation of wetland and waterbirds.
- The report of the census is shared with other national and international organisations for creating a global policy for conservation of wetlands and waterbirds.
- Objectives:
- To obtain information on an annual basis of waterbird populations at wetlands in the region during the non-breeding period of most species.
- To monitor on an annual basis the status and condition of wetlands
- To encourage greater interest in waterbirds and wetlands amongst citizens
- This programme supports the conservation and management of wetlands and waterbirds worldwide.
Recent outcomes of Census
- It recorded only 13 species, down from 17 species recorded from 2019 to 2021.
- Of these, 11 are resident water birds, while only two are winter migratory species.
- The resident species : the Common Moorhen, the Indian Cormorant, the White-throated Kingfisher, the White-breasted Waterhen, the Little Grebe, and the Red-wattled Lapwing. While the Indian Spot-billed Duck is usually common in such wetlands, only one pair was found
- Migratory species : The two migratory species recorded were the Great Cormorant, which migrates from Southeast Asia, and the Eurasian Coot, which migrates from Temperate Asia.
- Of these, 11 are resident water birds, while only two are winter migratory species.
- The number of birds has increased from 90 in 2021 to 132 this year.
- It, however, is smaller than the 190 birds counted in 2019, and the higher figure of 347 birds in 2020.
- Only the number of Indian Cormorants has increased from 11 last year to 62 this year.
- Issues
- Sanjay Lake used to be a good habitat for waterbirds, including migratory birds.
- But even migratory ducks, which have been recorded here in the past, were not seen this time.
- The lower species diversity is a sign of degradation of the lake, since waterbirds are an indicator of its health.
- Human disturbance caused by activities like boating have ruined the habitat and sewage finds its way into the lake and there have been several unsuccessful attempts to plug it.
- The lake also has the issue of water availability, since there is no sustained supply of good quality water.
- Sanjay Lake used to be a good habitat for waterbirds, including migratory birds.
- Measures
- The Delhi Jal Board has agreed to take the issue of water availability up.
- The DDA will also try to do in-situ treatment of the water.
- The Delhi Jal Board has agreed to take the issue of water availability up.
What are the Wetlands?
Importance of Wetlands:
Wetlands in India
India’s Initiatives for Conservation of Wetlands
About the Ramsar Convention:
Source: IE
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