
In News

  • Recently, the Australian Government announced a list of 110 ‘priority species’ that it will try to save from extinction over the next 10 years which includes koalas. 

About Koala


  • Scientific Name:
    • Phascolarctos cinereus 
      • The koala is the only member of the family Phascolarctidae. 
  • Characteristics:
    • It is a tree-climbing animal.
    • It is a marsupial animal which means a mammal with a pouch for the development of offspring.
    • Koalas usually don’t drink much water as they get most of their moisture from these leaves. 
  •  Habitat, behavior, and diet:
    • Koalas live in the eucalyptus forests of southeastern and eastern Australia. 
      • They rely on the eucalyptus tree for both habitat and food.
  • Threats to survival:
    • Koala numbers plummeted in the late 19th and early 20th century from hunting for their fur. 
    • Now they face serious threats from habitat loss
    • Land clearing, logging, and bushfires, especially the devastating 2019-2020 seasons have destroyed much of the forest they live in.
  • IUCN Status:
    • In February 2022 the status of the koala was changed from vulnerable to endangered.
  • Conservation:
    • Caring and rehabilitating the injured.
    • Building koala sanctuaries and reserves.
    • Saving eucalyptus trees and planting new ones.
    • Researching about koala genetics, mating choices and health.
    • The Koala Conservation Plan by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Australia. 

Source: DTE