African Swine Fever

In News

An outbreak of suspected African swine fever (ASF) has killed 276 domestic pigs in Lunglei district of Mizoram.


  • As a part of the preventive measures, the local authorities have restricted the procurement and supply of pigs from and to the affected area.
  • Earlier, around 2,800 pigs have died in Assam since due to the African Swine Fever and the government has advised authorities in Assam to go for the culling of affected pigs.
  • The disease has extremely high potential for transboundary spread, and can hamper the global food security and household income.

African Swine Fever

  • Viral disease: It is a contagious hemorrhagic viral disease affecting domestic and wild pigs.
  • Geographical distribution: The disease was first detected in Kenya in 1909 and is later found in regions of Asia, Europe and Africa.
  • No Vaccine developed:  As of now, there is no approved vaccine against ASF unlike classical swine fever (Hog Cholera) which is caused by a different virus. Although signs of ASF and classical swine fever (CSF) may be similar, the ASF virus is unrelated to the CSF virus.
  • Transmission and spread: African Swine Fever persistently infects its natural hosts, warthogs, bushpigs, and soft ticks, which likely act as a vector, with no disease signs.
    • According to the World Organisation for Animal Health, ASF is caused by a large DNA virus of the Asfarviridae family. African swine fever virus is the only virus with a double-stranded DNA genome known to be transmitted by arthropods.
    • The virus can be spread by ticks and can also be transmitted by direct or indirect contact with infected pigs, faeces or body fluids.
  • Public health risk:  African Swine Fever does not cause disease in humans.
  • Prevention and control:  Classic sanitary measures may be employed including early detection and humane killing of animals (with proper disposal of carcases and waste); thorough cleansing and disinfection and opting strict biosecurity norms.
  • Symptoms of illness:   It includes weight loss, intermittent fever, respiratory signs, chronic skin ulcers and arthritis. Acute forms of ASF are characterised by high fever, anorexia, loss of appetite and haemorrhages in the skin.

                                                                       Image Courtesy: IICA

Possible Steps need to be taken

  • The national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and reserve forests should be scanned and guarded properly.
  • The wild pig populations must be stopped from leaving their natural habitats to prevent any contact with the infected pigs.
  • If infected culling and disposal of carcases should be done with the utmost care and opting biosafety guidelines.

World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)

  • The need to fight animal diseases at the global level led to the creation of the Office International des Epizooties(OIE) through the international Agreement signed on January 25th 1924.
  • In May 2003, the Office became the World Organisation for Animal Health but kept its historical acronym OIE.
  • The OIE is the intergovernmental organisation responsible for improving animal health worldwide.
  • It is recognised as a reference organisation by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and in 2018 has a total of 182 Member Countries.

Source: TH

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