National Air Sports Policy(NASP)

In News

  • Recently ,The Minister of Civil Aviation launched National Air Sport Policy 2022 (NASP 2022). 

What is Air sports?

  • Air sports, as the name suggests, encompasses various sports activities involving the medium of air.  
    • These include sports like air-racing, aerobatics, aeromodelling, hang gliding, paragliding, paramotoring and skydiving etc. 
  • Potential: 
    • India has the potential to be among the leading nations in the world of air sports.  
    • It has a large geographical expanse, diverse topography, and fair-weather conditions. 
    •  It has a large population, especially the youth.  It has a growing culture for adventure sports and aviation


  • Aerobatics 
  • Aero modelling and model rocketry
  • Amateur-built and experimental aircraft
  • Ballooning
  • Drones
  • Gliding and powered gliding
  • Hang gliding and powered hang gliding
  • Parachuting (including skydiving, BASE  jumping and wing suits etc.)
  • Paragliding and paramotoring (including powered parachute trikes etc.)
  • Powered aircraft (including ultra light, micro light and light sports aircraft etc.)
  • Rotorcraft (including autogyro)

Governance Structure 

  • Under the new policy, there will be four-tier governance structure for air sports in India namely
    • Air Sports Federation of India (ASFI) as the apex governing body
    • National associations for individual air sports or a set of air sports, as appropriate Regional (e.g. West/ South/ North East etc.) or State and Union Territory level units of the national air sports associations, as appropriate; and
    • District-level air sports associations, as appropriate.

Key Objectives of NASP 2022

  • Promote an air sports culture in the country
  • Enable adoption of international good practices in safety including but not limited to, air sports infrastructure, equipment, operations, maintenance and training
  • Develop a simple, stakeholder-friendly and effective governance structure
  • Enhance participation and success of Indian sportspersons in global air sports events; and
  • Promote design, development and manufacturing of air sports equipment in India in line with the Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan.


  • It will serve to attract air sports enthusiasts from all over the world, especially those who live in areas where harsh winters prevent them from participating.
    • air sports enthusiasts from Europe, North America, and Australia would flock to India to practise in the winters.
  • It will ensure establishment of good quality infrastructure, equipment, instructors and services.


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