In Context
- Nerve-end connections known as synapses form is highlighted in a recent study of Purkinje neurons in the cerebellum of knockout zebrafish.
More in News
- Zebrafish are transparent and neuron development in larval zebrafish can be observed from day to day by injecting a dye or by engineering the fish to express fluorescent proteins.
- It has been observed that knocking out a particular protein known as the gap junction delta 2b (gjd2b) in the cerebellum of zebrafish affected levels of the enzyme CaMKII.
- Levels of CaMKII were seen to increase in the Purkinje neurons in the cerebellum.
About Zebrafish
- Scientific Name: Danio rerio
- It is a tropical freshwater fish belonging to the minnow family (Cyprinidae) of the order Cypriniformes.
- Habitat/Range: Native to rivers and streams of South Asia.
- Features
- It is a popular aquarium fish.
- It is about 4 cm long and has dark-blue and silvery longitudinal stripes.
- IUCN Red List Status: Least concerned.
(Image Courtesy: BBC)
Source: TH
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