Olive Ridley Sea Turtles

In News

  • Recently, the Odisha government has banned fishing around olive ridley turtles’ mass nesting sites.


  • Scientific name: Lepidochelys olivacea
  • Also known as the Pacific ridley sea turtle.
  • Location: Found in warm waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans.
  • Conservation Status 
    • IUCN Red List: Vulnerable
    • Wildlife Protection Act, 1972: Schedule I
    • CITES: Appendix I 
  • Features: 
    • They are the smallest and most abundant of all sea turtles found in the world.
    • Known for their unique mass nesting called Arribada, where thousands of females come together on the same beach to lay eggs. 
    • These are carnivores and feed mainly on jellyfish, shrimp etc. 
  • Major nesting sites: 
    • Rushikulya rookery coast (Odisha), 
    • Gahirmatha beach (Bhitarkanika National park) and
    • Mouth of the Debi River.
  • Threats:
    • For Adults: Dense fishing, especially ocean-going trawlers, mechanised fishing boats and gill-netters.
    • For Eggs: Heavy predation of eggs, indiscriminate fishing with trawlers and gill nets, and beach soil erosion.
  • Government Efforts: 
    • Making mandatory use of Turtle Excluder Devices, a net specially designed to allow them to escape during the catch.
    • ‘Operation Oliva’ Exercise of Coast guard.

Source: DTE

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