Chelonoidis phantasticus

In News 

Species of turtle named Fernanda after her Fernandina Island  thought extinct 100 years ago rediscovered recently .

  • Researchers have reported the confirmation in a paper in Nature Communications Biology.


  • It belongs to Chelonoidis phantasticus.
  • Chelonoidis phantasticus means “fantastic giant tortoise”. 
    • Commonly called the Fernandina Island Galápagos giant tortoise
    •  The species was so far known only from a single individual, collected in 1906.
  • Habitat and Distribution 
    • Chelonoidis phantasticus is a saddle backed tortoise adapted for browsing on higher vegetation such as Opuntia trees. 
    • Fernandina habitat is largely dry xeric brushland at lower elevations, but much of that habitat has been destroyed by extensive recent lava flows.
    • The small area of remaining higher-quality habitat is mesic and at higher elevations.
  • IUCN Status 
  • Chelonoidis phantasticus is listed as Critically Endangered 
