‘Ayushman Bhava’ Campaign



  • The “Ayushman Bhava ” campaign will be introduced during Seva Pakhwada to ensure optimum delivery of health schemes to every intended beneficiary.

What is the ‘Ayushman Bhava’ campaign?

  • The ‘Ayushman Bhav’ campaign is a comprehensive nationwide healthcare initiative that aims to provide saturation coverage of healthcare services, reaching every village and town in the country.
  • The campaign is a collaborative effort spearheaded by gram panchayats in coordination with the Department of Health, other government departments, and local elected bodies in the rural and urban areas. 
  • Significance: this would ensure that patients getting screened at the Health Melas can access timely treatment at the Health Melas.

Components of  ‘Ayushman Bhava’ campaign

  • Ayushman Bhava is an umbrella campaign comprising three key components:
    • Ayushman Apke Dwar 3.0: It is aimed at creation and distribution of Ayushman cards to all remaining eligible beneficiaries; 
    • Ayushman Mela: weekly Health Melas will be held at the level of Ayushman Bharat (AB)-Health and Wellness Centres (HWCs) and Community Health Centres (CHCs) and 
    • Ayushman Sabha: A village/ward level sabha to be held to enhance awareness about various health care schemes and services.

Source: TH