In News
- The Indian Air Force has successfully test-fired an extended-range version of BrahMos supersonic cruise missile in the Bay of Bengal.
About BrahMos
- Joint Venture: It is a joint venture between the Defence Research and Development Organisation of India (DRDO) and the NPOM of Russia.
- Nomenclature: It is named after two important rivers; Brahmaputra and Moskva of India and Russia respectively.
- 2 stage missile: It is a two-stage missile, with a solid propellant engine in the first stage and a liquid ramjet in the second.
- Multiplatform: It can be launched from land, air and sea.
- It works on the ‘Fire and Forgets’ principle i.e., it needs no mid-air guiding mandates.
- Fastest in the world: Brahmos is the fastest cruise missile in the world currently with the speed of Mach 2.8 (roughly 3 times more than the speed of sound).
About the Extended version
- Extended range: The range of the advanced version of the missile has increased from 290 kms (Brahmos) to 350 kms.
- Earlier MTCR restriction: The earlier speed was purposefully capped at 290 kms i.e. below 300 kms as India was not a member of MTCR (Missile Technology Control Regime). With the ratification in 2016, it is now allowed to develop missiles beyond 300 kms of range.
Strategic advantage
- The extended-range capability of the missile coupled with the high performance of the Su-30MKI aircraft gives the IAF a strategic reach and allows it to dominate the battlefields.
- BrahMos missile flies at a speed of 2.8 Mach or almost three times the speed of sound which provides India strategic airpower in face of 2 inimical neighbours.
- The interoperability of missiles among the Indian Navy and IAF infrastructure further boosts the strategic advantage in the battle field.
- Accuracy in precision: The missile is pinpoint in accuracy while hitting the targets in a very quick span of time.
- As it is jointly developed by India and Russia, the technology involved has led to positive spillovers in the R&D of missile and associated technology in India.
Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)
Source: TH
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