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The Central government’s Commission for Air Quality Management in the National Capital Region and its Adjoining Areas has been shut down within five months of its constitution.
- The Centre dissolved it after five months as the ordinance lapsed after failing to become an act.
- The erstwhile Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority, or EPCA had been dissolved to make way for the Commission.
- The air pollution is indeed a major challenge; it has health, economic and political implications; and the problem of multiplicity of bodies was a key reason why it could not be tackled effectively.
- Statutory Body: It is a statutory body that regulates the process by coordinating between the Central Government and the states concerned.
- So far, the matter was overseen by the Supreme Court-mandated Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority
- Holistic Approach:The commission will have the power to coordinate with relevant state and central governments on the multi-sector plan including industry, power plants, agriculture, transport, residential and construction.
- More teeth: The new commission will reportedly have more powers — in its constitution and scope as well in terms of punitive provisions.
- The Ordinance route was criticised, that is against the democratic setup. States and other stakeholders were not contacted.
- Lack of a time-bound commitment to clean the air.
- Sceptic about the working of the body
- Over centralisation of the Central government.
Way ahead
- Outlines a time-bound commitment to achieving the set standards;
- Ensures adequate personnel and funds for pollution control bodies
- Stricter monitoring systems.
- Strong Political will and support is required.
Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM)
Source- Outlook
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