Tomato Flu

In News

  • Increased surveillance after cases of Tomato Flu has been reported from the states of Kerala.

What is Tomato Flu?

  • About:
    • Tomato fever is a rare contagious disease of viral nature in humans whose origins are not yet known.
    • However, medical experts have opined that it might be an aftereffect of dengue or chikungunya.
    • It gets its name from the tomato-shaped red rashes that it causes on the body of infected individuals.
    • The flu is said to affect children below five years of age.
  • Symptoms:
    • Major symptoms include:
      • Rashes
      • Diarrhoea
      • Dehydration
    • In certain cases, discolouration of hands and knees has also been observed.
  • Treatment:
    • This flu is a self-limiting one and so far, there is no specific drug for its cure.
    • Symptoms vanish over time on their own with medicinal support.
    • Utensils, clothes and other items used by the infected persons must be sanitised to prevent the flu from spreading.
    • Fluid intake should be increased to counter dehydration.
  • Preventive Measures by the states:
    • Proper screening by the health authorities.
    • Increased surveillance

Source: IE

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