Brain-Inspired Analog Computing Platform

Syllabus: GS3/ Science and Technology


  • Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have developed a brain-inspired analog computing platform capable of storing and processing data in an astonishing 16,500 conductance states within a molecular film.


  • This new technology represents a significant advancement from traditional binary computing systems, venturing into the domain of neuromorphic or brain-inspired analog computing. 
  • Unlike conventional computers, which follow predefined programming, neuromorphic systems have the capability to learn from their environment, potentially elevating artificial intelligence to new levels.

Revolutionizing AI hardware 

  • This neuromorphic platform could potentially bring complex AI tasks, such as training Large Language Models (LLMs) — like ChatGPT — to personal devices like laptops and smartphones. 
  • The technology addresses two major hurdles in AI development: lack of optimal hardware and energy inefficiency. 
  • The molecular system at the heart of this innovation utilizes the natural movement of ions to process and store data in a manner similar to the human brain, creating a “molecular diary” that functions like a computer but with far greater energy efficiency and space-saving capabilities.

Precision and efficiency

  • The innovation overcomes significant challenges to achieve the precision needed to measure the molecular states. 
  • A custom circuit board has been designed capable of measuring voltages as tiny as a millionth of a volt at very fast sampling rates, setting a new benchmark for electronic accuracy.

Future Prospects

  • Researchers feel that the breakthrough could position India as a leader in global technology innovation, particularly in AI hardware development.
  • In the context of the India Semiconductor Mission, this development could be a game-changer, revolutionizing industrial, consumer and strategic applications.
Large Language Models (LLMs)
– A large language model (LLM) is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm that uses deep learning techniques and massively large data sets to understand, summarize, generate and predict new content.
– Deep learning involves the probabilistic analysis of unstructured data, which eventually enables the deep learning model to recognize distinctions between pieces of content without human intervention.
– It helps to understand how characters, words, and sentences function together. 

Source: TH