Black Death/Bubonic Plague

In Context 

  • Recently, A group of scholars from different disciplines have attempted to solve this much-debated mystery for origin of Black Death. 
    • In a study published in the journal Science researchers have claimed that the disease originated in modern day northern Kyrgyzstan around 1338-1339 – nearly 7-8 years before it ravaged large parts of the world.

What was the Black Death?

  • The term Black Death refers to the bubonic plague that spread across Western Asia, Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe in 1346-53.
  • Most scholars agree that the Black Death was caused by bacterium Yersinia pestis and was spread by fleas that were carried by rodent hosts.
    • The microorganism Y. pestis spread to human populations, who at some point transmitted it to others either through the vector of a human flea or directly through the respiratory system.
  • Naming 
    • It is commonly believed that the term Black Death gets its name from the black marks that appeared on some of the plague victims’ bodies. 
    • However, historians argued that this term, which only emerged centuries later, had less to do with the disease’s clinical symptoms, and more to do with how European writers from the 19th century onwards understood the epidemic.
      • In the 14th century, the epidemic was referred to as the ‘great pestilence’ or ‘great death’, due to the demographic havoc that it caused.
  • Symptoms 
    • The onset of symptoms was followed by intense fever and vomiting of blood. After the initial infection, most victims died within 2-7 days.


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