I2U2 Initiative

In News

  • The Prime Minister of India would attend the first-of-its-kind virtual summit of the I2U2 grouping in July 2022.

I2U2 initiative

  • About: 
    • The new I2U2 grouping of India, Israel, the UAE, and the U.S. will hold its first virtual summit  as part of the Biden administration’s efforts to re-energise and revitalise American alliances across the world.
    • In the grouping’s name, ‘I2’ stands for India and Israel, whereas ‘U2’ stands for USA and the UAE.
  • Focus: 
    • It is focused on expanding economic and political cooperation in the Middle East and Asia, including through trade, combating climate change, energy cooperation, and coordination on other vital shared interests.
  • Significance: 
    • It empowers partners and encourages them to work more closely together, which will lead to a more stable region .
    • The US regards India as a big consumer market as well as a massive producer of high-tech and highly sought-after goods. 
    • When it comes to Israel’s relationship with the UAE, the United States seeks to strengthen trade and economic connections between the two countries.
    • India will get advantage of the Abraham Accords to deepen engagement with Israel without risking its ties with the UAE and the other Arab states.


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