Bullwhip Effect

Bullwhip Effect 

  • About: 
    • It is a supply chain phenomenon that refers to the amplification of variability in demand as one moves up the supply chain from retailers to manufacturers.
    • Describes how small fluctuations in demand at the retail level can cause progressively larger fluctuations in demand at the wholesale, distributor, manufacturer and raw material supplier levels. 
  • Derived From: 
    • a scientific concept in which movements of a whip become similarly amplified from the origin (the hand cracking the whip) to the endpoint (the tail of the whip).
  • Causes:
    • Over- or under-reacting to demand expectations
    • Less-than-optimal decisions made by supply chain stakeholders 
    • Inaccurate forecasts from over-reliance on historical demand to predict future demand
    • Lead-time issues such as manufacturing delays
  • Impacts:
    • Increased costs associated with storage, transportation, spoilage, losses of revenue, delays to shipments
    • Excess inventory and overinvestment in production
    • Leads to disruptions to the supply chain

Source: Investopedia


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