Rhodes Scholarship

In News

  • Recently, five Indian students have been selected for the Rhodes Scholars-Elect for India 2023.

Rhodes Scholarship

  • About:
    • It is the world’s oldest graduate fellowship (first awarded in 1902). 
    • Based at: the University of Oxford
    • It is a fully funded, full time, postgraduate award.
    • Students from anywhere in the world can apply for a Rhodes Scholarship.
  • Procedure:
    • The candidates were selected after a competitive examination application process and one round of preliminary interviews. 
    • It is considered among the world’s most prestigious international scholarship programs.
  • Benefits:
    • The students will head to Oxford University in October 2023 to join a cohort of more than 100 scholars hailing from around the world to undertake fully sponsored post-graduate studies.

The Rhodes Trust 

  • It is an educational charity.
  • It brings together and develops exceptional people who are impatient with the way things are and have the courage to act.

Source: IE