Parker Solar Probe

In News

  • Recently, a spacecraft launched by NASA has successfully touched the atmosphere of the Sun.


  • The spacecraft plunged through the unexplored solar atmosphere known as the corona of the Sun
  • It made its way through an extreme environment which is roughly 2 million degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Thus, it has touched the place which was once thought to be impossible.

Sun’s Corona

  • The Sun’s corona is the outermost part of the Sun’s atmosphere. 
  • The corona is usually hidden by the bright light of the Sun’s surface. That makes it difficult to see without using special instruments. 
  • However, the corona can be viewed during a total solar eclipse.


Image Courtesy: Astronomy 

  • Facts: 
    • The surface of the Sun is covered in magnetic fields. This is the force that makes magnets stick to metal, like the door of your refrigerator.
    • The Sun’s magnetic fields affect charged particles in the corona to form beautiful features. These include streamers, loops, and plumes.
  • Corona causes solar winds:
    • The corona extends far out into space. From it comes the solar wind that travels through our solar system. 
    • The corona’s temperature causes its particles to move at very high speeds. 
    • These speeds are so high that the particles can escape the Sun’s gravity.

Project Parker Solar Probe

  • Launch: 
    • This spacecraft was launched in the year 2018 to discover and explore the mysteries of the Sun by travelling closer to it. 
  • Aim: 
    • To make repeated and ever closer passes of the Sun.
  • Path: 
    • On 28 April, the Parker successfully entered and flew through the Sun’s upper atmosphere. 
    • It also sampled particles and magnetic fields that are situated on the surface of the Sun. 
    • By collecting particles from the Sun’s atmosphere, the spacecraft has also helped scientists in verifying the objective of the rocket ship that it indeed crossed into the corona.
  • Named after: 
    • It is named after American solar astrophysicist Eugene Newman Parker.
  • Alfvén’s Critical Velocity Hypothesis:
    • In his theory on the origin of the solar system, Alfvén makes an assumption which is central to the entire theory. 
    • This assumption is that when there is a relative velocity between a plasma and a neutral gas in the presence of a magnetic field, a strong ionization process will set in when the relative velocity reaches a critical value. 
    • Using this assumption, Alfvén has been able to predict fairly accurately the mass distribution of the planets and satellites in the solar system. 
  • Important feature: 
    • The Parker Solar Probe will not melt or burn up because it has been designed to withstand any extreme condition and temperature on the mission. 
    • Additionally, the spacecraft’s custom heat shield will help and protect the mission from the Sun’s intense light emission. 
    • It will also not allow the coronal material to “touch” the spacecraft.
  • Significance of the Parker Solar Probe:
    • The findings of the probe will enable scientists to forecast changes in the earth’s space environment.

Source: Firstpost