Student Entrepreneurship Program 3.0

In News

  • Atal Innovation Mission has launched Student Entrepreneurship Program 3.0 in Collaboration With Dassault Systemes.

About the Program

  • The program wants to give the Atal Tinkering Lab Students a real feel of ‘How a startup works.
    • In total 50 teams (10 from Aspirational Districts and 10 from Jammu, Kashmir, Ladakh and North east regions) will be selected.
    • They will design and prototype their innovation using 3D printing, prepare marketing campaigns, define product pricing and create expansion strategies.
    • At the end of the program, each school’s startup will present their marketing campaign in front of experts from industry and academia.
  • The theme of SEP 3.0 is based on the ‘Made in 3D – Seed the Future Entrepreneurs Program’.
    • It was conceptualized and rolled out in France by La Main à la Pate Foundation and La Fondation Dassault Systèmes Europe in 2017.
  • Dassault volunteers will provide all kinds of support including 
    • Mentor support, 
    • Prototyping and testing support, 
    • End-User feedback, 
    • Intellectual Property registration and 
    • Patenting of ideas/processes/products, 
    • Manufacturing support, and 
    • Launch of the product in the market.

Previous Versions

  • SEP 1.0: 
    • SEP 1.0 began in January 2019.
    • It allowed student innovators to work closely with Dell volunteers.
  • SEP 2.0:
    • Launched in 2020.
    • Again the major industrial partner was Dell Technologies.



  • Promotion of Start up Culture:
    • It will make India “AtmaNirbhar” and give boost to “Make in India”.
    • It is expected to reduce the high rate of unemployment currently prevalent in India.
  • Wealth Creation:
    • The new innovations and businesses will add to India’s GDP thus helping it attain the SDG target of eliminating poverty.
  • Better Indo-French Relations:
    • As a huge part of the program is cultural exchange too, it will boost Track 3 diplomacy.
  • Promotion to Aspirational Districts’ Children:
    • It will pave the way for the development of children with relatively lesser means to climb up the ladder.
  • Practical Solution to multiple Problems faced by India:
    • The final top teams of SEP 3.0 will be selected through the ATL Marathon, a nationwide contest.
      • Here, students will identify community challenges and create grassroot innovations and solutions within their ATL lab.
  • Industrial Partnership:
    • Industrial partnership, being a crucial part of the scheme, will mean that the solutions will be commercially viable and industrially scalable.


  • Atal Innovation Mission is a really good initiative which is fulfilling following objectives:
    • SEP is a life changing opportunity for the young innovators to reach new heights.
    • Future Innovators
    • Opportunity for school children to develop an entrepreneurial and inventive mind set, as well as suitable exposure through activities-based learning, exploration and challenges.
    • Industry partnerships like these are critical to nurture the inventiveness of young students, and will enable them to create our planet a better place.

Few Initiatives of NITI Aayog

Aspirational District Program

  • Aspirational Districts are the districts which show poor socio-economic indicators.
    • These indicators include 49 indicators from the 5 identified thematic areas, viz.
      • People’s Health & Nutrition, 
      • Education, 
      • Agriculture & Water Resources, 
      • Financial Inclusion & Skill Development, and 
      • Basic Infrastructure
  • Objective: To monitor the real-time progress of aspirational districts.
  • Aspirational word represents that improvement in these districts can lead to the overall improvement in human development in India.
  • There are in total 115 districts identified as Aspiration District from 28 states, at least one from each state.
  • The programme is anchored by NITI Aayog in collaboration with different ministries.
  • ADP seeks to focus on the strength of each district, identify low-hanging fruits for immediate improvement, measure progress, and rank districts.
  • The programme’s broad contours can be defined by 3Cs:
    • Convergence (of Central & State Schemes) 
      • It brings together the horizontal and vertical tiers of the government.
    • Collaboration (of Central, State level ‘Prabhari’ Officers & District Collectors) 
      • It enables impactful partnerships between government, market and civil society.
    • Competition among districts driven by a spirit of the mass movement.
      • It fosters accountability on district governments.
  • It is one of the largest experiments on outcomes-focused governance in the world.


Atal innovation Mission (AIM)

  • Launched by NITI aayog, AIM is Government of India’s flagship initiative to promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in the country.
  • Objectives: 
    • To develop new programmes and policies for fostering innovation in different sectors of the economy, 
    • To provide platform and collaboration opportunities for different stakeholders, 
    • To create awareness and create an umbrella structure to oversee the innovation ecosystem of the country.
  • Few Major Initiatives:
    • Atal Tinkering Labs: Creating problem solving mindset across schools in India.
    • Atal Incubation Centers: Fostering world class startups and adding a new dimension to the incubator model.
    • Atal New India Challenges: Fostering product innovations and aligning them to the needs of various sectors/ministries.
    • Mentor India Campaign: A national mentor network in collaboration with the public sector, corporates and institutions.
    • Atal Community Innovation Center: To stimulate community centric innovation and ideas in the unserved /underserved regions including Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities.
    • Atal Research and Innovation for Small Enterprises (ARISE): To stimulate innovation and research in the MSME industry.
  • Apart from above initiatives it has also launched AIM Prime, AIM iCREST, etc to boost industrial exposure of students and innovators.


Atal tinkering Labs

  • They have been set up by the Atal Innovation Mission (AIM).
  • Vision: To cultivate 1 million children in India as neoteric (modern) innovators.
  • Aim
    • Making the Indian education system more innovative and modern.
    • Creating a paradigm shift where children as young as 12 years of age are being introduced to the world of technology innovation.
  • Objectives: 
    • To foster curiosity, creativity and imagination in young minds; 
    • To inculcate skills such as design mindset, computational thinking, adaptive learning, physical computing etc.
  • Eligibility: Schools (minimum Grade VI – X) managed by Government, local body or private trusts/society.
  • Features:
    • ATL is a work space where young minds can give shape to their ideas through hands-on do-it-yourself mode; and learn innovation skills.
    • Young children get a chance to work with tools and equipment to understand the concepts of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).
    • CollabCAD was launched in ATL schools to provide students experience in creating and modifying 3D designs.


Source: PIB

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