UNSC resolution 1267

In News

  • Recently, China blocked a joint India-U.S. attempt to put a Pakistan-based terrorist on the UN Security Council’s 1267 list, placing a hold on the proposal to add Lashkar-e-Taiba ‘commander’ Sajid Mir, who is wanted for the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, as well as attacks in the U.S. and Denmark.


  • The UNSC resolution 1267 sanctions committee is one of the most important and active UN subsidiary bodies working on efforts to combat terrorism.
  • In 1999, UNSC resolution 1267 decided on preparing a regularly updated list of members of the Taliban and Al Qaeda that was being sheltered there, chiefly Osama Bin Laden, as well as allied groups. Subsequently the list went from focusing on Taliban to focusing on Al Qaeda, and then Islamic State ISIL
  • Under the resolution, which has been amended several times, especially after the 9/11 attacks in the US, those on the list
    • -cannot be allowed to travel out of the jurisdiction they are found in and must be prosecuted effectively
    • must not be allowed to access their funds, and all terror-linked funds frozen
    • – must not be allowed to access weapons

Source: TH