Facts in News


                            Facts In News


  • Russian scientists have deployed Baikal-GVD, a giant underwater space telescope in Lake Baikal.
  • It will search for neutrinos, which are nearly massless subatomic particles with no electrical charge.
    • Neutrinos are the smallest particles currently known.
    • Neutrinos are everywhere, but they interact so weakly with the forces around hence, are hard to detect.
  • Clear freshwater and thick, protective ice cover make Lake Baikal an ideal place to search for neutrinos.
  • Lake Baikal
    • Situated in south-east Siberia, the 3.15-million-ha lake is the oldest (25 million years) and deepest (1,700 m) lake in the world.
    • It contains 20% of the world’s total unfrozen freshwater reserve.
    • Known as the ‘Galapagos of Russia‘, its age and isolation have produced one of the world’s richest and most unusual freshwater faunas.
      • It is home to approximately 1,700 to 1,800 endemic plant and animal species
    • In 1996, it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

                         (Image Courtesy: Britannica)

Inflation Targeting

  • It is a central banking policy that revolves around adjusting monetary policy to achieve a specified annual rate of inflation.
  • Its principle is based on the belief that long-term economic growth is best achieved by maintaining price stability, which is achieved by controlling inflation.

                                         (Image Courtesy: ET)

  • Inflation
    • It refers to the rise in the prices of most goods and services of daily or common use, such as food, clothing, housing etc.
    • It measures the average price change in a basket of commodities and services over time.
      • The opposite and rare fall in the price index of this basket of items is called ‘deflation’.
    • It is indicative of the decrease in the purchasing power of a unit of a country’s currency.
    • This is measured in percentage.

Vaccine Wastage

  • It is an expected component of any large vaccination drive.
    • Vaccines are procured with an estimated wastage, which has to be within recommended limits.
    • The Prime Minister of India raised concerns on vaccine wastage emerging from the Covid-19 inoculation drive.
  • High vaccine wastage inflates vaccine demand and increases vaccine procurement and supply chain costs.
  • It is directly linked to vaccine usage, which is the proportion of vaccines administered against vaccines issued to a vaccination site.
  • Wastage Multiple Factor (WMF) is calculated from the formula “WMF = 100/(100 – wastage)”.
  • Two categories
    • Wastage in Unopened Vials: Occurs if expiry date has been reached; if vaccine is exposed to heat; if vaccine has been frozen; breakage; missing inventory and theft and while discarding unused vials.
    • Wastage in Opened Vials: Occurs while discarding remaining doses; not being able to draw the number of doses in a vial; submergence of opened vials in water; suspected contamination and poor vaccine administration practices.
  • Wastage occurs at three levels: During transportation, during cold chain point and at a vaccination site, both at service and delivery levels.

Diatom Test


  • Diagnosis of death by drowning is deemed as a difficult task in forensic pathology.
  • A number of tests have been developed to confirm the cause of such deaths with the diatom test emerging as one of the most important tests.
  •  The test entails findings if there are diatoms in the body being tested.
    • Diatoms are photosynthesizing algae that are found in almost every aquatic environment including fresh and marine waters, soils, in fact, almost anywhere moist.


Science behind the diatom test

  • A body recovered from a water body does not necessarily imply that the death was due to drowning.
  • If the person is alive when he enters the water, the diatoms will enter the lungs when the person inhales water while drowning.
  • These diatoms then get carried to various parts of the body, including the brain, kidneys, lungs and bone marrow by blood circulation.
  • If a person is dead when is thrown in the water, then there is no circulation and there is no transport of diatom cells to various organs.
  • Diatom analysis is considered positive only when the number of diatoms recovered from the body is more than a minimal established limit.
  • Forensic experts also correlate the diatoms extracted from the body and the samples obtained from the water body where the drowning took place to ascertain the place of drowning. “
  • The result of a diatom test will be different if a person is thrown in the water after he is dead.


  • It is reliable unless and until the deceased person has been drinking water from the same source of water before his death.
  • For example, a person is drinking water from a well, then the diatoms from the well will be found in the body and so if he has drowned in the same well, then the diatom test will not be reliable.
  • Also, the test will be negative if the person died instantly after falling into the water.
  • The diatom test need not be done if classical signs of drowning — like froth at mouth and nostrils, cadaveric spasm, presence of water from drowning medium is seen in stomach and oedema of lungs — are present.


  • The Serum Institute of India (SII) hopes to launch Covovax.
  • This is SII’s version of NVX-CoV2373, the protein-based Covid-19 vaccine developed by Novavax, headquartered in the USA.
  • In August 2020, the two companies announced an agreement under which Novavax had given SII the licence to manufacture and supply the vaccine in low- and middle-income countries as well as India.
  • The agreement is expected to support the supply of a minimum of 1 billion doses of this vaccine in these regions.

How does it work?

  • Like several other Covid-19 vaccines, Covovax targets the spike protein on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus — the protein that allows the virus to penetrate the human cell.


  • The vaccine recently showed an efficacy of 96.4% against mild to severe disease caused by the original strain of SARS-CoV-2 from ongoing late-stage global trials.
  • Against mutant variants of the virus, it showed the efficacy of around 86.3% (UK variant) and only 55.4% among HIV-negative participants in its trial in South Africa.

SAAMAR Campaign

  • The Jharkhand government announced the launch of the SAAMAR (Strategic Action for Alleviation of Malnutrition and Anemia Reduction) campaign to tackle malnutrition in the state.
  • The campaign aims to identify anaemic women and malnourished children and converge various departments to effectively deal with the problem in a state where malnutrition has been a major problem.
  • The campaign also tries to target Primarily Vulnerable Tribal Groups.
  • It has been launched with a 1000 days target, under which annual surveys will be conducted to track the progress.
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