Sahariya Tribe

In News

  • The Sahariya were always bedevilled by malnutrition but the recent soaring food prices have made them extremely vulnerable.

About Sahariya Tribe

  • Location:
    • The Sahar, Sehariya, or Sahariya is an ethnic group in the state of Madhya Pradesh and some districts of Rajasthan.
  • Particularly vulnerable tribal group:
    • They are classified as particularly vulnerable tribal groups.
  • Social Life:
    • They consider everyone in an endogamous group to be brother and sister; marriages have to be arranged from other clans.
  • Governing council:
    • The Sahariya community considers every adult member part of a governing council which is headed by a patel.
  • Economy:
    • The Sahariyas are expert woodsmen and forest product gatherers.
    • They are particularly skilled in making catechu from Khair trees.

Source: DTE