In News
- Recently, Scientists have discovered nearly five thousand exoplanets with the help of ground-based and space telescopes.
- Exomoons are considered to be those natural satellites that revolve around exoplanets.
- However, exomoon around any of these planets continues to remain untraceable.
- The signals of exo-moons are too weak, because of their small sizes.
- Origin:
- The solar system consists of a large number of natural satellites with numerous masses and sizes.
- A number of these satellites influence the ambient environment of the Solar planet.
- It is for this reason that a huge number of exomoons are expected to be present, which may also play an important role in the habitability of rocky exoplanets in the habitable zone of stars.
- An exoplanet is any planet beyond our solar system, i.e., planets that orbit around stars other than the sun.
- Most orbit other stars, but free-floating exoplanets, called rogue planets, orbit the galactic center and are untethered to any star.
- Nearly five thousand exoplanets have been discovered outside our solar system.
Source: FE
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