World Bamboo Day

In News

  • Every year on 18 September the World Bamboo Day is observed across the globe.


  • Aim: To raise awareness around the world for the conservation and promotion of the bamboo industry and bamboo plantation.
  • Theme:”#PlantBamboo, it is Time To Plant Bamboo”.
  • History: The World Bamboo Day was created by Kamesh Salam in the year 2009 at the 8th World Bamboo Congress held in Bangkok.
  • The organisation intends to ensure sustainable utilisation of bamboo, as well as promote traditional uses for economic development of local communities.

Uses of Bamboo

  • Used as food, biofuel, furniture, fabrics and so on. 
  • The most amazing part about bamboos is that they are hardly required to be replanted.
  • Have a versatile potential.
  • Bamboo is commonly used for making incense sticks, mats and paper.

Initiatives to Promote Bamboo

  • India contributes only 2% of the world’s bamboo supply.
  • The Central government by amending the Forest Act of 1927, freed private growers to undertake cultivation of bamboo without any restrictions. 
  • Import policy has also been modified to ensure the progress of the bamboo industry in the country.
  • National Bamboo Mission (NBM) supports local artisans through locally grown bamboo species, which will actualise the goal of vocals for local and help increase the income of farmers, reducing dependency on imports of raw material.

Significance of Bamboo Cultivation

  • Absorbs CO2 and can generate 35% more oxygen than trees.
  • It does not require chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers and water to grow.
  • It improves soil quality.
  • Known as the Chinese symbol for strength, bamboo represents growth and resilience.
  • Matures for cultivation in 4-5 years while the hardwood takes 30-80 years.
  • Promoting bamboo plantation can help export products across the world thereby helping the overall economy of the country.

Some facts about Bamboos

  • This tree, which comes from the grass family, is known as a poor man’s timber and green gold.
  •  It grows fast and requires low maintenance. 
  • There are 110 different species of bamboo found in North East India.
  • Along with its uses, bamboo also has environmental benefits. It can be planted to reclaim degraded sites and wastelands. 
  • This tree plays an important role in water and soil conservation.

National Bamboo Mission

  • The National Bamboo mission was launched in 2018-19, runs under the mission for Integrated development of horticulture,which is a 100% centrally sponsored scheme.
    • Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) are those schemes which are implemented by the state government but sponsored by the central government. 
  • Objectives:
    • To promote the growth of the bamboo sector by an area based regionally differentiated strategy;
    • To increase the coverage of area under bamboo in potential areas,
    • To promote marketing of bamboo and bamboo based handicrafts;
    • To promote, develop and disseminate newer technologies 
    • To generate employment opportunities.

Way Forward

  • States should promote the local handicrafts, artisans to actualise the goal of Vocal for Local and help increase the income of farmers, reducing dependency on imports of raw material.
  • The NBM objectives should be taken further to promote”Atmanirbhar Bharat” by promoting the bamboo farmers and further their livelihood security.
  • Setting up separate bamboo mandi/bazaars/rural haats, including promoting online trade.

Source: IE

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