Colour Revolutions

In Context

  • China has recently appealed to Russia, India, and other Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) members to cooperate in preventing foreign powers from destabilising their countries by inciting “Colour revolutions”.

Colour Revolutions

  • Colour revolutions refer to a series of uprisings that first began in former communist nations in Eastern Europe in the early 2000s, but are also used in reference to popular movements in the Middle East and Asia. 
  • Most have involved large-scale mobilisation on the streets, with demands for free elections or regime change, and calls for removal of authoritarian leaders.
  • Protesters often wear a specific colour, such as in Ukraine’s Orange Revolution, but the term has also been used to describe movements named after flowers like the Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia

Some of the Better known “color revolutions”

  • Orange Revolution:
    • It refers to a series of protests that occurred in Ukraine between November 2004 and January 2005. 
    • The movement was in response to reports from international and domestic observers that claimed that the country’s 2004 Presidential election runoff.
  • Tulip Revolution:
    • Also called the First Kyrgyz Revolution, the movement led to the ouster of Kyrgyzstan’s President Askar Akayev in early 2005. 
    • These protests were in response to the parliamentary elections in which Akayev’s allies and family members won.
    • Foreign observers argued that the election process was deeply flawed.
  • Jasmine Revolution:
    • The popular uprising that occurred between December 2010 to January 2011 in Tunisia was in response to the underlying corruption, unemployment, inflation and lack of political freedoms in the country.
    • This movement inspired a wave of similar protests throughout the Middle East and North Africa known as the Arab Spring.
