In News
- Recently, the Prime Minister (PM) of India delivered the keynote at the inaugural Sydney Dialogue via video conferencing.
Key Highlights
- The PM of India discussed the theme of India’s technology evolution and revolution.
- He noted recognition for India’s central role in the Indo Pacific region and in the emerging digital world.
- As a democracy and a digital leader, India is ready to work with partners for shared prosperity and security.
- India has created a robust framework of data protection, privacy and security.
- Five Important Transitions Taking Place In India:
- The world’s most extensive public information infrastructure is being built in India. Over 1.3 billion Indians have a unique digital identity, six hundred thousand villages will soon be connected with broadband and the world’s most efficient payment infrastructure, the UPI.
- Use of digital technology for governance, inclusion, empowerment, connectivity, delivery of benefits and welfare.
- India has the world’s third-largest and fastest-growing Startup Ecosystem.
- India’s industry and services sectors, even agriculture, are undergoing massive digital transformation.
- There is a large effort to prepare India for the future. India is investing in developing indigenous capabilities in telecom technology such as 5G and 6G.
Image Courtesy: PIB
- Digital Revolution:
- The PM highlighted the leaps in India’s digital revolution and said it was taking care of “individual rights”.
- India was experiencing five-fold changes involving the digital domain, such as building of the most extensive public information infrastructure and agriculture.
- India’s industry and services sectors, even agriculture, are undergoing massive digital transformation.
- India’s space sector was open to private investment and that the agriculture sector was reaping the benefits of the digital revolution.
- India is also using digital technology for clean energy transition, conservation of resources and protection of biodiversity.
- Artificial Intelligence
- India is one of the leading nations in artificial intelligence and machine learning, especially in human-centred and ethical use of artificial intelligence.
- India is developing strong capabilities in Cloud platforms and cloud computing.
- Concerns:
- The PM’s speech referred to the perils of technology and data that had turned them into new forms of “weapons”.
- The world also faces new risks and new forms of conflicts across diverse threats from sea-bed to cyber to space.
- The biggest strength of democracy is openness. At the same time, we should not allow a few vested interests to misuse this openness.
- India called for a collaborative framework-
- To invest together in research and development in future technology;
- develop trusted manufacturing base and trusted supply chains;
- deepen intelligence and operational cooperation on cyber security, protect critical information infrastructure;
- To prevent manipulation of public opinions;
- To develop technical and governance standards and norms consistent with our democratic values; and,
- To create standards and norms for data governance and for cross-border flow that protect and secure data.
- On crypto-currency: It is important that all democratic nations work on this and ensure that crypto-currency does not end up in the wrong hands, which can spoil our youth.
- Use of Experience: India’s extensive experience with use of technology and policy for public good, inclusive development and social empowerment can be of great help to the developing world.
- The digital age is changing everything around us. It has redefined politics, economy and society.
- It is raising new questions on sovereignty, governance, ethics, law, rights and security.
- The world can work together to empower nations and their people, and prepare them for the opportunities of this century.
About the Sydney Dialogue (TSD)
India-Australia Relations
Source: TH
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