Abdul Ghaffar Khan

In News

  • 20th January marks the death anniversary of Abdul Ghaffar Khan.

Abdul Ghaffar Khan 

  • About:
    • He was also called the Frontier Gandhi.
    • Born on 6th February 1890 in Utmanzai, Frontier Tribal Areas of Punjab Province.
    • He was named Badshah Khan at twenty-six by the members of his tribe when his father died. 
    • Foremost 20th-century leader of the Pashtuns (Pakhtuns, or Pathans; a Muslim ethnic group of Pakistan and Afghanistan).
    • As a young boy, he left his high school final exams, aspiring to join ‘The Guides’, a corps composed of Sikhs and Pathans. 
  • Roles:
    • He met Mahatma Gandhi and entered politics in 1919 during the agitation over the Rowlatt Act.
    • Joined the Khilafat movement.
    • He founded the Red Shirt movement (Khudai Khitmatgar/ Servant of God) among the Pashtuns. 
      • It espoused nonviolent nationalist agitation in support of Indian independence and sought to awaken the Pashtuns’ political consciousness.
  • Values:
    • Honesty, modesty, courage & non-violence.
    • Started a monthly journal in Pushto.
  • Award:
    • Received Bharat Ratna, the highest Indian honour in 1987.

Source:News 18