Nidhi Companies

In News

  • The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has tightened the rules for Nidhi Companies.

About Nidhi companies 

  • Meaning:
    • Nidhi Company is a type of Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC).
    • It is formed to borrow and lend money to its members.
    • It inculcates the habit of saving among its members and works on the principle of mutual benefit.
  • Licence:
    • Nidhi Company isn’t required to receive the licence from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
    • Nidhi Company is registered under the Companies Act.
  • Prohibited activities:
    • Nidhi Company can’t deal with chit funds, hire-purchase finance, leasing finance, insurance or securities business.
    • It is strictly prohibited from accepting deposits from or lending funds to, any other person except members.
  • Members:
    • Minimum of seven members is required to start a Nidhi Company out of which three members must be the directors of the company.
  • Significance:
    • Nidhi companies are very popular in South India and are key players in the financial system as they mobilise funds from their members and give loans to them at a lower interest than commercial banks.
  • New Changes introduced:
    • Registration: To become a Nidhi company, the entity has to first register as a public limited company, which has more disclosure requirements than a private limited company.
    • Declaration: a public company set up as a Nidhi with share capital of 1 million needs to first get itself declared as a Nidhi from the Union government.
    • Membership: This can be done by submitting an application showing a minimum membership of 200 and net owned funds of 2 million within 120 days of its incorporation.
    • The promoters and directors of the company have to meet the criteria of fit and proper person as laid down in the rules.
    • Concept of deemed approval: That is, if no decision on the application is conveyed to the company within 45 days of filing the application, approval would be deemed as granted.
    • No Loan to companies: Only individual members are allowed in Nidhi companies and it cannot give loans to companies.

Source: TH