New projects at Somnath temple

In News:

Recently, the Prime Minister of India launched new projects at Somnath Temple highlighting the history of its plunder and reconstruction time and again.

  • He was making a reference to the Taliban and reminded the world that the reign of terror is always temporary and cannot be permanent.

Projects Inaugurated 

  • Somnath Promenade, 
  • Somnath Exhibition Centre, and 
  • The reconstructed temple precinct of Old Somnath.
  • Foundation for Parvati temple


Key highlights of his opening Speech:

  • The dominance of Destructive and Terror Forces is only Temporary
    • Forces that strive for destruction and the ideology of creating empires out of terrorism can dominate for some time, but their existence is never permanent.
    • They cannot suppress humanity forever.
    • Terrorism cannot suppress faith.
  • Somnath Temple as Best Example
    • The Somnath temple was razed and plundered several times in the past 
    • Its statues were broken but it was resurrected again as many times as it was razed.
  • Contribution of Great men in saving the legacy of temples
    • The reconstruction of the Somnath temple to grand renovation was due to centuries of strong will and ideological continuity and contribution by great men
    • Few great personalities associated with Somnath are Rajendra Prasad, Sardar Patel and K.M. Munshi.
      • They faced criticism for displaying personal faith in public life even after Independence.
  • Need to strengthen Religious Tourism
    • There is a need to strengthen religious tourism.
    • Few sites having huge potential are the Ram temple in Ayodhya, the Somnath temple and other landmarks religious and pilgrimage centres.
  • Tourist circuits
    • Tourist circuits based on 15 different themes under the ‘Swadesh Darshan’ programme are being developed.
    • These circuits will help in the development of tourism and employment opportunities across regions. 


Swadesh Darshan Scheme

  • Central Sector scheme 
  • Launched by: the Ministry of Tourism
  • Objective: The integrated development of 15 theme-based tourist circuits.
  • Aim: To promote, develop and harness the potential of tourism in India.


  • Employment opportunities
    • Religious tourism and pilgrimage would provide new employment opportunities.
    • It will ensure that future generations would remain connected with India’s history, its traditions and its heritage.
    • Tourism could be linked to the local economy so that tourism activities provided employment to youth.
  • Improved ranking in Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index
    • India was placed 65th on the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index. 
      • Till 2019, it has jumped to the 34th spot.
  • Learning from history and building the “new India on the legacy” of ancient history.
    • The country is reviving ancient glory by building modern infrastructure.


Somnath Temple

  • Som in Hindi means Moon and hence Somnath means the Lord of Moon.
  • It is the first among the 12 Jyotirlingas which are symbolic representations of Lord Shiva.
  • Located at the Veraval Port or Prabhas Pattan in Saurashtra, Gujrat, the present temple is built in the Chalukyan style
    • This Architecture is also known as the “Kailash Mahameru Prasad” style. 
    • It reflects the skill of the SompuraSalats, one of Gujarat’s master masons.
  • History
    • History of Loots, plunder and reconstruction
      • It is believed to have been raided and plundered at least 17 times in history.
      • Somnath’s first temple is said to have existed 2000 years ago. 
      • In 649 AD, King Maitre of Vallabhaneni built a second temple in place of the temple and renovated it.
      • In 725, the old ruler of Sindh took his army and attacked the temple and destroyed the temple. 
      • Pratishtha King Nag Bhatt II constructed the temple for the third time in 815 using a red stone (sandstone) stone. 
      • In 1026, Mahmud Ghazni lent the precious jewels and property of Somnath temple. 
        • After looting, slaughtering innumerable pilgrims of the temple and burning the temple and destroying it. 
      • During 1026-1042 Solanki Raja Bhimdev built the fourth temple of Bhoj and Anhilwad Patan.
      • Somnath was destroyed when Delhi Sultanate occupied Gujarat in 1299. 
        • Afzal Khan, the commander of Ala-ud-din Khilji, plundered it.
      • In 1394 it was destroyed again. 
      • In 1706, Mughal ruler Aurangzeb again demolished the temple.
    • Modern/Post Modern Indian History
      • Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the Iron man of India,  was instrumental in the construction of the present temple. 
      • Renowned temple architect Prabhas Chandar designed it.
      • The first President of India Dr Rajendra Prasad installed the Jyotirling in the new temple on May 11, 1951.
        • He was criticised by the then Prime Minister for displaying personal faith in public while being on the highest constitutional post of a secular nation.
        • Recently, a similar Pran Pratistha Ritual was done at Ayodhya Ram Mandir by the present PM.

Source: TH