Rail Kaushal Vikas Scheme

In Context

  • Recently, Rail Kaushal Vikas Yojana, a programme under the aegis of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana(PMKVY) was launched.

Rail Kaushal Vikas Yojana

  • About:
    • It is a skill development programme, where training is provided to youth with a special focus on jobs relevant to the Railways, in  four trades viz. Electrician, Welder, Machinist and Fitter and other trades will be added by zonal railways and Production units based on regional demands and needs assessment.
    • Training will be provided to apprentices under the Apprentice Act 1961.
  • Objectives:
    • To train 50,000 candidates over the next three years.
    • To impart training skills to the youth in various trades to bring qualitative improvement.
  • Eligibility:
    • Candidates who are 10th passed and between 18-35 yrs.
    • Participants in the scheme shall however have no claim to seek employment in Railways on the basis of this training.


  • To improve the employability of the youth, & upgrade the skills of self-employed and those who are working with contractors through reskilling and up-skilling.

Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana

  • Launched in 2015, it is a flagship program of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE).
  • Aim: To increase productivity of the youth and align the training and certification to the needs of the country.
  • Key Components:
    • Short Term Training: Training as per National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF) is provided to those who are either school/college dropouts or unemployed.
    • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): An individual with a certain set of skills or with prior learning experience is assessed and certified under RPL with grade according to the NSQF.
    • Special Projects: This component ensures training in special areas and premises of government bodies and corporate. It aims to encourage training in vulnerable and marginalized groups of society.
    • Training Partners (TPs) are mandated to organize Kaushal and Rozgar Melas every six months.


Source: FE

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