Statehood Day of Mizoram

In News 

  • The Prime Minister of India greeted the people of Mizoram on its  Statehood Day.


  • Every year, 20st February is celebrated as the Statehood Day of Mizoram 
  • Background: 
    • The area of Mizo hills became the Lushai Hills district within Assam at the time of independence, which was later renamed the Mizo Hills in 1954.
    • In 1972, the Indian government signed an accord with the moderates of the Mizo National Front (MNF) and established Mizoram as a Union Territory.
      • The MNF started and intensified the movement for the secession of Mizo Hills from Assam.
    • In 1986, Mizoram Peace Accord was signed between the Central government and the MNF which ended the insurgency.
    • It became the 23rd state of India on 20 February 1987 with the Fifty-Third Amendment of the Indian Constitution, 1986.


  • It is one of the states of Northeast India, with Aizawl as its capital city.
  • The name is derived from Mi (people), Zo (lofty place, such as a hill) and Ram (land), and thus Mizoram implies “Land of the hill people”.
  • Mizoram is a highly literate agrarian economy, but suffers from slash-and-burn jhum or shifting cultivation, and poor crop yields.
  • Historical References
    • The origin of the Mizos, like those of many other tribes in North-Eastern India, is shrouded in mystery. They were generally accepted as part of a great Mongoloid wave of migration from China and later moved out to India to their present habitat.
    • It is possible that the Mizos came from Shinlung or Chhinlungsan located on the banks of the river Yalung in China. 
  • Population 
  • Mizoram’s population was 1,091,014, according to a 2011 census. 
    • It is the 2nd least populous state in the country
    • About 91% of the state is forested.
  • About 95% of the current Mizoram population is of diverse tribal origins who settled in the state, mostly from southeast Asia, over waves of migration starting about the 16th century but mainly in the 18th century. 
  • Borders
    • It is bounded by Myanmar to the east and south, Bangladesh to the west, Tripura to the northwest, Assam to the north and Manipur to the northeast.
  • Flora
    • The richly forested Mizo hills with their thick bamboo jungles running north to south direction, rise sharply from the Cachar Plains in Assam.
    • The highest amongst its several peaks is the Phawngpui (the Blue Mountain).
  • Fauna
    • Mammal species observed in Mizoram forests include Sahuai, Saza, Sathar, Sakei, Keite, Kelra, etc.
    • Mizoram is host to numerous species of birds, and many reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates.
  • Protected Areas: Murlen National Park, Phawngpui National Park, Dampa Tiger Reserve, Ngengpui Wildlife Sanctuary, Tawi Wildlife Sanctuary, etc.
  • Main Rivers: Tlawng, Tiau Lui, Chhimtuipui, Tut, Tuivai, Tuichang, Tuirial, Mat, Tuivawl, Tuirini, Serlui.
  • Tribes
    • Mizo comprises 5 major tribes and 11 minor tribes known under the common name Awzia.
    • The 5 major tribes are Lushei, Ralte, Hmar, Paihte, Pawi (or Poi).
    • While major tribes maintained their respective dialects, the 11 minor tribes either lost their distinctive dialects as a result of their association with larger tribes. 
  • Important Festivals: Chapchar Kut, Christmas Festival, New Year Festival, Anthurium Festival, Lyuva Khutla Festival.
